外刊精读笔记 Day 498
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<hr/>3. 原文(para 1)
LOCALS CALL it “lover’s paradise”. Upvan, a picturesque lake in Thane, a satellite city of Mumbai, attracts its share of joggers, cyclists and pot-smoking college students. But mostly the lane surrounding the lake is filled with young couples getting cosy under umbrellas. Every Indian city has such spots, where skittish lovebirds find privacy out in the open. A socially conservative culture, small flats, joint families, pricey hotels and uptight hotel-owners mean that there is often nowhere else to go.
<hr/>4. 精读笔记(para 1)
LOCALS CALL it “lover’s paradise”. Upvan, a picturesque lake in Thane, a satellite city of Mumbai, attracts its share of joggers, cyclists and pot-smoking college students.
picturesque /ˌpɪk.tʃərˈesk/
adj. (especially of a place) attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned way (尤指某地)美丽的,古色古香的。eg:the picturesque narrow streets of the old city 古城里如画的狭窄街道
your (fair) share
if you have had your share of something, for example problems, success, or adventure, a lot of it has happened to you〔问题、成功或冒险经历〕相当多的。eg:You&#39;ve sure had your share of problems, haven&#39;t you? 你问题还真不少,是不是?/ He&#39;d had more than his fair share of adventure. 他的冒险经历真够多的。
还可以表示:your share of something is the amount that you deserve to have 应得的一份。eg:Don&#39;t worry – you&#39;ll get your fair share. 不用担心 — 你会得到应得的一份。
jogger /ˈdʒɒɡə/
n. 慢跑者
其动词jog表示:慢跑。eg:go jogging 慢跑
n. cannabis 大麻。eg:smoke pot 吸大麻
But mostly the lane surrounding the lake is filled with young couples getting cosyunder umbrellas.
lane /leɪn/
n. a narrow road in the countryside or in a town 乡间小路;小巷,小街,胡同。eg:He drives so fast along those narrow country lanes. 在那些狭窄的乡间小路上他把车开得飞快。
cosy /ˈkəʊzi/
adj. friendly and private 亲密无间的;密切的。eg:a cosy chat with a friend 与朋友亲切的闲聊
Every Indian city has such spots, where skittish lovebirds find privacy out in the open.
skittish /ˈskɪtɪʃ/
adj. If you describe a person or animal as skittish, you mean they are easily made frightened or excited. (人或动物)易激动的,易受惊的。eg:The declining dollar gave heart to skittish investors. 美元的衰落给总是担惊受怕的投资者们带来了信心。
pl. two people who are obviously very much in love with each other (一对)情侣,恋人,情人。eg:Look at those two lovebirds holding hands and gazing into each other&#39;s eyes. 瞧那对恋人正手拉手深情对视呢。
A socially conservative culture, small flats, joint families, pricey hotels and uptight hotel-owners mean that there is often nowhere else to go.
pricey /ˈprʌɪsi/
adj. expensive 价格高的,贵重的。eg:It&#39;s a bit pricey but the food is wonderful. 这顿饭有点贵,不过好吃极了。
adj. Someone who is uptight is tense, nervous, or annoyed about something and so is difficult to be with. 紧张不安的;忧虑的;易怒的。eg:Penny never got uptight about exams. 彭妮从来不会因为考试而紧张。
<hr/>5. 完整翻译
LOCALS CALL it “lover’s paradise”. Upvan, a picturesque lake in Thane, a satellite city of Mumbai, attracts its share of joggers, cyclists and pot-smoking college students. But mostly the lane surrounding the lake is filled with young couples getting cosy under umbrellas. Every Indian city has such spots, where skittish lovebirds find privacy out in the open. A socially conservative culture, small flats, joint families, pricey hotels and uptight hotel-owners mean that there is often nowhere else to go.
当地人把它称作是“情侣的天堂”。孟买卫星城塔那(Thane)风景如画的Upvan湖吸引了许多慢跑者、骑行者和吸食大麻的大学生。但大部分环湖绿道上都是年轻情侣在伞下耳鬓厮磨。印度每个城市都有这种地方。在那里,担惊受怕的情侣能在户外找到私人空间。保守的社会文化、窄小的公寓、数代同堂、昂贵的酒店和满心担忧的酒店老板让他们往往无处可去。 |